Instrument flight training is structured by a methods and techniques that enable the pilot, in relation to the instruments, to fly the aircraft. In aviation, the Instrument Flight Rating (IFR) is your second stage. For longer and more diverse trips, the opportunity to fly through the sky, at night, and in bad weather opens up many possibilities. The expertise gained from being able to fly an aircraft solely with equipment adds trust and abilities to your increasing experience. This training will make you a pilot that is powerful and more optimistic. Under part 61, the student must have completed a minimum of 40 flight hours, 15 of those hours would be with the instructor and 25 hours could be done on their own. In addition, the student is expected to have a minimum cross-country time of 50 hours.
- Hold a Private Pilot Certificate
- Have at least a third class medical certificate.
- Be able to read, write and speak in English
- Pass a written FAA exam
- Comply with the minimum requirements of flight experience for instrument rating.
- Pass practical oral and flight examination.